jeudi 27 février 2014

Depression among young people

The depression is part of the mood disorders. It affects the thoughts, the emotions, the behavior and the biological functions of a person. The depression becomes a disease when the feelings of sadness, to be unnecessary and useless, empty is severe, lasting several days and going to the life of  individuals.
It is now proved that the major depressions, which persist sometimes during a lifetime, can begin during youth.

Depression and suicidal behaviors among young people

adolescence is sometimes difficult. Some young people feel less comfortable and have difficulties in social interaction or are failures at school or work.

They can become depressive and sometimes, they even try to put an end to their life. Understanding the factors involved and their interactions is crucial if we want to ensure the bright future that every young person deserves.

The symptoms of depression among young people

the most common symptoms among young people include:

  • A feeling of sadness
  • A lack of interest in daily activities
  • Loss of appetite
  • sleeping problems such as nightmares, Insomnia
  • The difficulty of concentrating or memory problems
  • A sudden social withdrawal or sudden aggressive behavior
  • suicidal tendencies.

 Who is affected?

Clinical depression rates are low in childhood and early adolescence, but they increase significantly at the end of adolescence (approximately 17 % ).
Girls are more likely to suffer from depression than boys.
Over the past fifty years, the suicide among the young people of 15 to 24 years has increased substantially, especially among young men.
The majority of adolescents who had died by suicide demonstrated the evidence of depression or another mood disorder.

The causes of depression among the young

disturbing events, a family history of depression, a lack of family support, a strict discipline and a negative attitude towards oneself, the world and the future, can all contribute to the depression.

The contributing factors to the risk of suicide among adolescents include: depression and other mental illnesses, alcohol and drug abuse, interpersonal and family conflicts as well as the availability of firearms.

The dysfunctions in brain communication systems, particularly those related to serotonin, can contribute to both the depression and suicide among young people.

The treatments and therapies:

Some factors may protect against depression and suicide among the young:
  • The personal adaptation
  • the frustration tolerance
  • self-mastery(self control)
  • the ability to cope with situations
  • positive expectations for the future
  • the sense of humor
  • good and positive family relationships
Education and information are important to treat depression. They can take several forms:

Therapy can help in the treatment of depressive young  and/or suicidal youth:
The cognitive behavioral therapies aim to change negative thoughts about self and the world in general.
The interpersonal therapies deal with common issues such as the independence, the detachment from parents, peer pressure and friendly relations.
Other therapies may aim at the improvement of relations and of confidence in the other, or the improvement of social skills and family relations.
A drug therapy may also help; it aims to restore the exchange of neurotransmitters in the brain which, in depressive phase, are altered.

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