mardi 11 mars 2014

The 10 secrets for self-esteem

secret for self esteemHappiness is one of the main ingredients of longevity.

However, no happiness without a good dose of self-esteem.

Good news strengthens self-esteem, that should be learned

Strengthen and reinforce the self-esteem and make the happiness.
Have a good self esteem allows you to be positive, to act according to its aspirations and to cope with the difficulties of life. It is therefore essential to develop his/her self-esteem. For this, a job is necessary. At any age, at any time and in all situations, it is possible to  work and strengthen self esteem .

How to proceed ? Here are 10 tracks to explore to strengthen his self-esteem.

Assert yourself

Learn to say what you think, what you want and also what you feel. But, assert yourself does not mean to become aggressive. You must learn to formulate your thoughts without aggressiveness. Also, learn how to properly formulate your wishes and your feelings. Express yourself clearly and always very concretely.

Set your priorities

take time to think objectively about your life projects: what is important for you? What are your priorities, your goals and your projects in life? Etc. So you can put aside your doubts and focus on your priorities. Seek to achieve well established priorities to improve your self-esteem.

3) List your core values

list your core values (freedom of thought, respecting others, love, citizenship ... ) and do not bet polluted by facts of accessories and other superficial ideas.
Live with strong values contributes and helps to make you happy.

4) Acknowledge and recognize your qualities

we all have faults and good qualities, which can even change over the life. The important thing is not to focus on the faults qualities, but rather on good ones. List them in a notebook, review them regularly and evolve this list. If necessary, ask your friends what they appreciate in you and give their points of view you will probably be surprised!

5) To strengthen the self-esteem: 

Stay positive and always look on the side of the solution to
a problem, there is often a tendency to see only the bad side of things. Yet, there are always the positive and solutions. Practice. To face with a difficult situation, register in a column the problems and negative points, in another, the positive points and the solutions.

6) Do watch with tenderness and kindness

You do your best and you try all the days to improve your self-esteem. This needs and worth a bit of tenderness and kindness. Talk to you and encourage yourself, you deserve it! And as soon as you bump your gaze in a showcase or an ice, smile.

7) Compliment and celebrate all your small victories.

There are not  promotions or success in examination which are among your victories. Everyday life is punctuated with large and small successes, which you must permeate.  Request more victories and enjoy these small magical moments which bring happiness. And each evening, redesign and think back to all your successes of the day and to all happy events.

(8) dismantle your inner critic.

assert yourself We all have a little inner voice that tells us: "do not rejoice too fast", "it's not going to last","I do not deserve"... These criticisms have no justification and they unnecessarily spoil the happy moments . Do you not criticize yourself and simply enjoy the present moments .

(9) remove "toxic thoughts"  

"I am stupid "," I am clumsy "," I am too small "," I can't do it "... these formulas and soundbites hamper and handicap your thoughts and your actions." You must eliminate them.

(10) turn your flaws in quality.

Accept your faults, assume or get rid of them. First identify them objectively. Some traits of your personality that you consider weaknesses can become strengths. Some physical aspects can also become distinctive signs. Moreover, beauty comes from within. Finally, nothing is immutable, everything can change.

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