lundi 7 avril 2014

Diabetes mellitus

diabetes mellitusNowadays, we have discovered a lot of diseases, that they are cancerous, mental or physical etc. One of these diseases is diabetes mellitus. We will explain here what are the symptoms and treatments.

There are two types of diabetes; The type1 which is the diabetes mellitus and type2 which is the diabetes insulin-resistant. In the world, there are about 347 million people who are suffering from diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is a chronic disease that can not be cured, but that we can treat and control when it is diagnosed early. It is caused by a lack or a default in a hormone called insulin. In normal times, the insulin allows the cells to use sugar as a source of energy. Among diabetic person, this function is assigned, which causes hyperglycemia or high blood sugar. In other words, diabetes prevents the body to properly use the sugar as a source of energy.

There are several symptoms that appear by surprise: fatigue, drowsiness, increase in the volume of urine intense thirst, exaggerated hunger, weight loss, blurred vision, slow healing, infection of genitals, tingling in fingers or feet, change of character.

Unfortunately, there is no treatment, because there are a lot of symptoms therefore, nobody can cure this unfortunate disease.

Eventually, we informed you about the disease, its symptoms and treatments. I hope you never go eat a lot of sugar because you could be reached diabetes, so take care.

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